Title: Role of Kriyakalpa in Maintaining Eye Health-Review
Authors: Dr Pranjali Priya, Dr (Prof.) Ajay Kumar Singh
Title: Diagnostic Approach to Nephrectomy done for Neoplastic Pathology
Authors: Dr Usha Sarma, Dr Manjula Choudhury, Dr Priyanka Baishya, Dr Sanjoy Krishna Handique
Title: Climate Change and Infectious Vector Borne Diseases: Cause, Transmission, Symptom, Diagnosis, Treatment & Challenges
Author: Sripathi Chandragupthan
Title: Actinomycosis of the Lower Lip in a Libyan Adult: A Rare Clinical Case Report
Authors: Yousef S.Z. Salem, Amna El-Gehani, Mahmoud A. Al-Oriby, Milad M.A. El-Ojaly, and Farag A Bleiblo
Title: A Study of Early Detection of Carcinoma Cervix by Pap Smear, Colposcopy and Guided Biopsy
Authors: Dr Ramakrishna Mahapatra, Dr Sini Venugopal, Prof (Dr) Rabindra Nath Behera
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