Title: Climate Change and Infectious Vector Borne Diseases: Cause, Transmission, Symptom, Diagnosis, Treatment & Challenges
Author: Sripathi Chandragupthan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v13i01.03
Climate change is a potent factor emerging as a global risk by altering disease occurrence, transmission, virulence and pathogenicity of the pathogenic microbes. It affects the main determinants of the disease ecology (host, pathogen, and environment). It poses lot of challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies. This paper specifically focuses on Vector borne diseases caused by climate change. Vector borne diseases are infectious disease transmitted by the bite of infected vectors. This paper covers Infectious Vector Borne Diseases, Root Cause, Transmission, Symptom, Diagnosis, Treatment & Challenges.
Keywords: vector borne diseases, tick borne diseases, climate change, infectious diseases, communicable diseases.
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