Introduction: Interface dermatitis, which is characterized by variable dermoepidermal interface inflammation and the presence of vacuolar damage to the basal layer, which causes keratinocyte death or necrosis, is a broad term that encompasses many distinct illnesses. . Aim: The present study was planned to correlate the significance of Interface dermatitis with their clinico-pathological aspects.
Methodology: This was a retrospective study conducted on 170 cases diagnosed as interface dermatitis over a period of two years. Skin biopsy samples received from the outpatient department were analysed.
Results: In the present study, a total of 170 cases were analysed which clinically presented as papulosquamous disorders. On histopathological diagnosis, LP and its variants were the most common type disorder. The most consistent histolopathological characteristic feature noted was basal cell vacuolar degeneration in the epidermis along with a band of lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate. Clinicopathologic concordance was seen in 86.5% cases.
Conclusion: Thus, combination of the histologic details, in correlation with the clinical data helps in arriving at a specific diagnosis of various ID.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Prakriti Mishra
Postgraduate Student, Department of Pathology, Kasturba Medical College Manipal