Title: Management of Hemangioma Buccal Mucosa by Sclerotherapy - A Case Report
Authors: Dr Ayyappan K, Dr Fasalulla O, Dr Badarunneesa M, Dr Kavya P Valsaraj, Babin C B
Title: Evaluation of the Factors Associated with Post-Operative Outcome in Patients of Ulcerative Colitis Undergoing Ileal Pouchanal Anastomosis with Comparison of Functional Outcome between Stapler and Hand-Sewn Anastomosis
Author: Dr Aakanksha Soni
Title: Perihepatic Packing: A Life Saving Procedure in Liver Trauma
Authors: Dr Anant S. Ramani, Dr Vishal Sardesai
Title: Visual Outcome and Complications Following Nd: YAG Laser Capsulotomy in Postoperative Posterior Capsular Opacification- A Prospective Study
Authors: Dr K.M Suresh, Dr Suyog A.S, Dr Akhil.P, Dr P. Aparna Sharma
Title: Clinicopathological Spectrum of Interface Dermatitis
Authors: Dr Prakriti Mishra, Dr Srilatha P.S
Title: Mediastinal Tuberculosis with Sternal Encroachment - A Rare Presentation of Tuberculosis
Authors: Dr Hidayath Hussain, Dr B Namratha Sai Reddy, Dr Sindhu Pericherla, Dr RJ Bhavna Srivastav
Title: Piloting the Complex Ground of Drug- Resistant Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Adolescent Females: Unraveling Challenges and shaping future Strategies
Authors: Dr Rajendra Tatu Nanavare, Dr Anis Nhavakar, Dr Mrs. Namrata Kaur Bhui, Dr. Rajendran Raghavan
Title: Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Breast Cancer Patients
Authors: Dr Hidayath Hussain, Dr Sindhu Pericherla, Dr B. Namratha Sai Reddy, Dr Syeda Hafsa Hakeem
Title: 10 Historic Events That Shaped the Face of Modern Surgery
“The Craft of Surgery is as old as Mankind”
Authors: Amit Desai, Avinash Supe
Title: Diabetes and Ischemic Stroke, An Assessment of the Most Recent Research
Authors: Aloraini, Abdullah Solaiman, Alfaez, Altaher Mohammed, Alsohaim, Ahmed Fahad
Title: A Clinicopathological Study of Salivary Gland Lesions and Immunohistochemical Expression of Bcl2 in Benign and Malignant Salivary Gland Neoplasms
Authors: Yashika Sharma, Nidhi Verma, Kavita Tiwari, Vijay Kumar, Anamika Thakur
Title: Thermally Triggered Drug Delivery by Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Co -Conjugated with Gold as a Nano-Drug Carrier in Cancer Therapy
Authors: Anusha Ponnusamy, Abiramee Ravi, Jaikumar V, Kiruthiga Karunamoorthy
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