Title: Role of Plasmapheresis in Acute Yellow Phosphorus Poisoning
Authors: Dr Aparna Jayara and Dr Pratit Samdani
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i2.11
There are three major forms of elemental Phosphorus present in environment – white, red and black. Red phosphorus causes discoloration of white phosphorus leading to formation of yellow phosphorus.1Yellow phosphorus is used in many industrial products like rodenticides, firework and fertilizers.2 Its easy availability makes it impossible to prevent and control the incidence of phosphorus poisoning. Fatal dose of yellow phosphorus is 1mg/kg.3
In our case report we are presenting a case of 41year old male who developed acute liver dysfunction due to yellow phosphorus poisoning and was well managed with plasmapheresis.