Title: Reconstructive Challenges in Albino Patients – Our Experience
Authors: Dr K. Raja, Dr M. Choundappan
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.155
This article presents a case series of albino patients who underwent reconstruction in our department mainly for malignancies. We describe the postoperative course of the patients with an emphasis on the HPE examination of the skin which showed the changes of photo damage. Albinism is a inherited group of disorders characterized by abnormal melanin synthesis. We look at the role of melanin, melanocytes in wound healing and their role in the final outcome of these patients. A simple single staged procedure is ideal for these patients as their postoperative course is unpredictable even though it may not satisfy all the requirements of these patients.
Keywords: Albinism, Solar elastosis, melanocytes, melanin.