Title: Profile of Patients with Acute Aluminuim Phosphide Poisoning in a Tertiary Care Institute of Haryana
Author: Dr Rajpal Verma
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.44
Background: The Pesticides have proved to be a boon to the farming community to save the grains from pests and rodents etc. Aluminium phosphide (AIP), a solid fumigant pesticide is widely used as a grain preservative in Northern India. The mode of poisoning is usually intentional, occasionally accidental and rarely homicidal. The agriculture community is more at risk due to illiteracy and easy availability of the pesticide in the house hold.
Materials: Fourty five patients of aluminium phosphide poisoning irrespective of age, sex, dose and duration, admitted in Medical College, Rohtak were studied. The patients were grouped in I, II, IIa, IIb. Data was collected on a semi structured schedule and consent was taken. Appropriate staistical tests were applied.
Observations: The poisoning was more common in younger age group. 22 (73%) patients out of 30 in group-I and 14 (93%) patients out of 15 in group-II fell in age group between 14-30 years. The poisoning was more common in males than in females. Male to female ratio was 2:1. The earliest symptoms and signs pertain to gastrointestinal tract followed by cardiovascular system.