Title: The Study of Gynaecological Emergencies in Surgery
Authors: K . Madhuri Devi, G. Venkat Naidu
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.90
Aim &Objectives: To Study Quantum and Pattern the Gynecological problems in emergency surgery
Materials & Methods: The Study Was Conducted Over 2000 patients. Of these twenty five patients amounting to 0.7 % of emergency surgery were found to have gynecological causes for acute abdomen. It is quite apparent only 0.7% of the acute abdomen have gynecological causes which are other than intervention related gynecological emergencies viz., Septic abortion etc., All these 25 patients were studied by way of detailed history medicules, physical examination hematological investigation ultrasonographic study of abdomen and histopathological examination and the following investigation were done Which includes estimation of Hb%, Blood sugar ,Urea Serum electrolytes, Blood groping & Rh Typing, Plain X-ray abdomen .
Results: Most common gynaecological cause of acute abdomen, in this study is ovarian cyst complications, closely followed by ectopic gestation and its complications. Gynecological emergencies are commonly mistaken for other surgical emergencies. In this study, only in 12% patients the gynecological causes were thought of clinically. In great majority of the patients (88%) suffering from gynecological problems, the clinical diagnosis had been appendicitis in 52 %, peritonitis in 20%and Renal Colic in 8% of patients.
Conclusions: The quantum of gynecological acute abdomen in this study is 0.7% of all emergencies surgical operations. In other words one in about 140 patients will have gynecological acute abdomen.