Title: An Unusual Complication of Dengue Fever
Authors: Dr V. Channaraya, Dr Yogitha C, Dr Mahesh Desai
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.85
Minor bleeding manifestations like petechial rashes, gum bleeding, sub conjunctival hemorrhage are common in dengue fever. But severe hemorrhagic manifestations like hemoperitonium, hemothorax is rare. Here we present a case of 36 year old male who came with fever and headache. Dengue serology showed positive for NS1Ag, who later developed severe pain abdomen and distention of abdomen with severe pallor. Haemoglobin had dropped from 16g% to 4g% and usg abdomen showed gross ascites which was absent at the time of admission, thus contrast enhanced computed tomography(CECT) abdomen was done which showed hemoperitonium. India being endemic for dengue fever, this is an interesting and uncommon presentation.
Key words: dengue, hemoperitoneum, ultrasound.