Title: A Study of Common and Uncommon Eyelid Lesions - Telescoping Through Histopathology
Authors: Dr Pradnya S Bhadarge, Dr. Sonali S Datar, Dr. Alok C Shrivastava, Dr Pradeep S Umap, Dr Anuradha V Shrikhande
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.16
Eyelid histology comprises of various structures that gives rise to wide spectrum of pathologies. Eyelid lesions require surgical treatment mostly; hence a correct preoperative provisional diagnosis is required. Histopathological examination of the excised specimen with confirmation of clinical diagnosis given plays an enormous role in treating eyelid lesions so as to improve patients care. We studied 25 cases of eyelid lesions retrospectively over a period of a year. We came across epidermal cyst as a most common lesion occurring in eyelid followed by capillary hemangioma, dermal nevus and molluscum contagiosum. Uncommon lesions that were diagnosed were pilomatricoma, tumoral calcinosis, cysticercosis which completely differed from the clinical diagnosis offered. In conclusion, each and every excised specimen should not be considered as waste material and always be (without exception) sent for the histopathological examination for correct diagnosis and further management. Keywords- eyelid lesions, common and uncommon, histopathology
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