Title: Malignant Leydig Cell Tumor of Testis: Case Report
Authors: Dr Himani Thakur, Dr Sarita Asotra, Dr Kavita Mardi, Dr Kailash Mohan Bhandari, Dr Kavita Kumari
Title: Assessment of Perceived Stress among Dental Students in India - A Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Mandrita Chatterjee, Payel Chakraborti
Title: Unusual Case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Presenting as Imaging Counterfeit of Lung Cancer - A Case Report
Authors: Dr Ananya Thakur, Dr Shruti Thakur
Title: A Comparative Study between Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy and Open Varicocelectomy in the Treatment of Varicocele
Authors: Md. Atiqul Haque Sarder , Muhammad Alom, Sabran Uddin
Title: Maternal Lipid Profile Changes in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Author: Dr R. Vijayalakshmi
Title: Case report: Ossifying fibroma
Authors: Dr Tanuja Vliasrao Mote, Dr Rajendra Birangane, Dr Abhay Kulkarni, Dr Rohan Chaudhari, Dr Pratik Parkarwar
Title: Case study of Panchvalkala Kwath for Sitz Bath & Abhayarishta, Kumaryasav & Kshar sutra Application in management of Bhagandar w.s.r to Fistula- in- Ano
Authors: Dr Chandan Kumar Pathak, Dr Anant Saznam, Dr Deepali Sundari Verma, Dr Haider Ali
Title: A Study on the Clinical Profile of Cholinergic Insecticide Poisoning in a Tertiary Care Centre in Kerala
Author: Dr Suresh Raghavan
Title: Case study of Pasanbhedadi Churna & Varunadi Kawath in Mutrashmari w.s.r. Urolithiasis
Authors: Dr Chandan Kumar Pathak, Dr Anant Saznam, Dr Deepali Sundari Verma, Dr Rakesh Raushan
Title: Steroid Abuse Induced Benign Intracranial Hypertension in an Infant
Authors: Dr Krishna Chaitanya, Dr Keerthi Kundana, Dr Avani Duggirala
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