Title: Pathogenesis of EMA negative PR negative Microcystic Meningioma: A Case Report
Authors: Supriya Mehrotra, Bandana Mehrotra, Sanjay Mehrotra, Ashok Kumar Kapoor, Neha Gupta, Hari Shyam
Title: Evolution of Radiotherapy- A Brief Review
Authors: Dhanjit Lahkar, Rupam Kalita, Hrishikesh Kashyap
Title: Determination of Planning Target Volume in Radiotherapy - A Review
Authors: Dhanjit Lahkar, Rupam Kalita, Hrishikesh Kashyap
Title: Jejunoileal atresia and multiple ileal diverticulae in a twelve-day-old infant: A Case Report
Authors: Supriya Mehrotra, Bandana Mehrotra, Sanjay Mehrotra, Ashok Kumar Kapoor, Hari Shyam
Title: Conservative management of tubercular intestinal obstruction with antitubercular drugs and steroid
Authors: Dr Jayesh Kalbhande, Dr Mayank Chaudhary
Title: The effects of physicien attire on consultation outcomes in primary health care, National Guard, Riyadh
Authors: Joud Abdulshakur Basfar, Amnah mohammed Alanazi, Hadeel Mansour Almutairi, Ali Ibrahim Alfarhan
Title: Role of Uterine Artery Ligation and Chemotherapy in Atypical Cases of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: A Case Report of Atypical GTD Diagnosis & Management
Authors: Poonam Maggo, Sushant Mittal
Title: Side Effects of COVID Vaccination among the Residents of Shimla
Authors: Dr Meenu Aggarwal, Dr Narinder Mahajan, Dr Anshoo Agarwal
Title: Observational Cross-Sectional Study of ETCO2 and Pulse Oximetry for Early Detection of Hypoxia in MAC Patient (Monitored Anaesthesia Care)
Authors: Dr Rajshree, Dr Vaijayanti Gadre, Dr Bhairavi Tawde
Title: Digital Signal Processing Approaches in the field of Genomics: A Recent Trend
Authors: Shivani Saxena, Ahsan Z, Rizvi
Title: A Rare Case of Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumor Treated with Radiotherapy
Authors: Dr Mamatha HG, Dr Pranitha SL, Dr Geeta S Narayanan, Dr Arpitha S
Title: A Study on RFT Markers
Author: Yunus Mohammad
Title: A study to assess the knowledge regarding antenatal care among pregnant women at District Hospital of Bareilly (U.P.) with a view to develop an information booklet
Authors: Pratibha Manoharam B., Ashmita John
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