Title: Occupational Health among Paramedics
Authors: Hamad H Al Anazi, Mohamed D Al Asmri, Helal S Alanazi, Mohamed A Al Anazi, Turki A Al Qahtani
Title: Dental Faculty Students' Understanding of Dental Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Poetry Oktanauli, Pinka Taher, Margaretha Herawati, Azyyati Patricia Zikir, Ratih Widyastuti
Title: Œdème aigu du poumon chez la patiente prééclamptique
Authors: Dr Oussama Outaghyame, Dr. Youssra Essaadi, Dr Jihad Drissi, Dr Moulay El Mehdi El hassani, Dr Moulay Abdellah Babahabib, Dr Jaouad Kouach
Title: To identify Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and it’s association with dry eye symptoms in patients undergoing cataract surgery at tertiary care centre
Authors: Dr Bhargav Kumar Patel, Dr Ridhi Lakhani, Dr Manisha N Patel
Title: Pleural metastasis from ovarian papillary serous carcinoma form Coral Reef like formation- A unique presentation
Authors: Ravindran Chetambath, Praveen Kumar K, Nandini Sylesh, Gayathri Nair, Rituparna Krishnan
Title: Gall stone Disease after starting Liraglutide, Is it reversible?
Authors: Dr Jayesh Kalbhande, Dr Mayank Chaudhary
Title: Various Presentation of Lymphangioma
Authors: Gopinath Gopal, Sravanthi S, Sachudhanandam R
Title: Developmental outcomes of very low birth weight infants in a tertiary care teaching hospital in India
Authors: Dr Shruti Dhale, Dr Sumanjali Settipalli, Dr Shaheem Azher, Dr Shubham Meshram
Title: Diabetes Foot Care – Knowledge and Practice in an Urban area
Authors: Karuppaswamy Pooja, Subbalakshmi, Muthukumaran J
Title: Pemphigoïde gestationis compliqué d’une mort fœtale in-utéro A propos d’un cas.
Authors: Essaadi Y, Outaghyame O, Khtira A, Hassani M EM, Babahabib MA, Kouach J
Title: Infantile Mucocele in Disguise – A Case Report
Authors: Danu Dayakar P S, Rita Zarina A, Digesh Balachandran, Yadukrishnan MS
Title: An Occurrence of Silicosis Causing Tuberculosis
Author: Dr V. Sowndharya Meera
Title: Role of Self Mechanical Anal Dilatation to Prevent Pain after Hemorrhoidecomy
Authors: Dr Dewat Ram Nakipuria, Dr Vinod Kr Ramteke
Title: Postmortem Disseminated Candidemia: A Case Report from a Tertiary Care Center
Authors: Dr Sinduja Raghuraman, Dr Mary Mathew
Title: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Wilson’s Disease with Cutaneous Manifestations
Authors: Samar Pratim Nayak, Swati Dash, Bijayalaxmi Malick, Sunil Kumar Agarwala
Title: Ollier’s Disease: 1 Case Report & Literature Review
Authors: Dr Loknadh Rao, Dr Rajani Kumar Giddi, Dr Lalchawiliana Ngente, Dr V. Karimullah
Title: Security & Privacy of Electronic Health Records
Authors: Sultan O. Aladwani, Mohammed A. Almotairi
Title: Building Nurse Competence to Address Global Health and Global Era Challenges
Authors: Widjijati, Herry Prasetyo, Taat Sumedi, Wahyudi & Ani Kuswat
Title: Association between Diabetic Foot Ulcer and Diabetic Retinopathy
Authors: Dr Kangujam Satyabati Devi, Dr K.M Suresh, Dr Santhalayam Sivankunju Deeja
Title: Congenital Cervical Agenesis- A Rare Case Report
Authors: Dr Ramya R.S, Dr P.K. Syamala Devi, Dr Manesh Senan
Title: Effect of Immunotherapy on Patients with Bronchial Asthma
Authors: Ali M. Algamdi, Muslah S. Alalyany
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