Title: Missed Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Cancer in A & E
Author: Dr Karanpreet Singh Sandhu
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i5.13
A Case Report
A 60 year old male (British white ethnicity) presented to A&E with 2 months History of upper abdominal pain, which was insidious in onset, non radiating and intermittent in nature (with no aggravating factors). He had been to A&E 3 times with similar complaints.
- Each time he was thoroughly examined by an A&E doctor and his clinical examination was unremarkable.
- The only abnormality on his initial bloods was a mild microcytic anaemia.
- As each time pain responded to PPl’s and paracetamol in the emergency department therefore was sent home on PPI’s and simple analgesics and a routine GP follow up was arranged.