Introduction: Most of the studies shows that illumination is one of the important aspects in our working environment as well as while reading and writing. A low illumination can affect the various ocular parameters like accommodation, vergence, reading speed also and to find out what should be an optimal level of illumination and type of illumination to be used. Convergence and illumination have significant relation with change in pupil size. In low illumination as pupil size increase with that depth of focus decreases, which leads to cause more exertion on accommodation and convergence which causes visual fatigue symptoms.
Objective: The objective of this article was to update on recent investigationshow illumination effects the fusional vergence and other ocular status. Therefore, conducted a search of the studies published about the same.
Method: A bibliographic search was conducted limited to publication referring to illumination and their effects on ocular status using the data base of PubMed, Research Gate, Google scholar. Different strategies were there for selecting articles.
Conclusion: The conclusion of the review was that mostly the accommodation, convergence and fusional vergence. In fusional vergence mostly positive fusional vergence which were changed with change in the illumination, and a proper intensity of illumination as well as position of illumination is important for an effective work environment to reduce different kind of ocular symptoms. As Lighting influences users’ visual strain and well-being. Therefore, creating awareness regarding lighting that ensures visual work conditions do not result in visual fatigue is a preventive activity.
Keywords: Illumination, Positive fusional Vergence, Negative fusional Vergence, Accommodation.
Key Messages (Provide appropriate messages of about 35-50 words to be printed in centre box):
As Illumination plays an important role in our life. Its standards and their position has important role in work efficiency, reading and writing speed by increasing our visual comfort. As our vergence and accommodation are affected with different levels of illumination which can be a cause for significant ocular changes.
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Corresponding Author
Raisul Azam
Department of Optometry and
Vision Science, Amity Medical
School, Amity University, Haryana, India