Title: Thyroid Paraganglioma, An Uncommontumor at a Rare Site- A Case Report
Authors: Milap Shah, Palak Jain, Harika Puligolla, Hemanth Vudayraju
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i8.09
Thyroid paragangliomas are exceeedingly rare neoplasms with only few cases reported worldwide. They have a very similar radiology, cytology and histology to other thyroid neoplasms however treatment and prognosis differ significantly due to which accurate diagnosis becomes a sine qua non for their appropriate management. Here we present a case of a 65 year old female who complained of thyroid swelling which on Fine needle aspiration cytology was diagnosed as multinodular goitre under Bethesda category 2. However total thyroidectomy was done and histomorphology and immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis of thyroid paraganglioma.
Keywords: Thyroid tumor, paraganglioma , thyroid paragnglioma.