Title: Study of Vitamin B12 Levels among Vegetarians in DAE Hospital
Author: Dr Sridevi Sitaraman
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i5.17
Among 10% of the population in India are vegetarians. Lacto vegetarians are more predominant in India. Vitamin B12, a water soluble vitamin is found in substantial amount in animal foods and scarce in plant foods. Thus supplementation with Vitamin B12 is needed to meet the demands. Lower cobalamin levels leads to increased MCV and anemia, also neuropathy as vitamin B12 is required for glial cell synthesis and myelin formation. It also plays a part in malabsorption. Cobalamin deficiency varies in age group and older (more than 60 years) are more affected according to Indian data. vitamin B12 deficiency is more prevalent in males than females. Pregnant women are more affected than nonpregnant females and in children boys are affected more than girls. Overall mortality and morbidity in B12 deficiency accounts for 15% of population
Target population: About 60 vegetarians who presented at Department of atomic energy hospital.
Aim of the study: To study the vitamin B12 levels among vegetarians who presented to DAE hospital from the period Mar 2021 –Feb 2022.The main purpose is to understand the prevalence of serum vitamin B12 deficiency among vegetarians.