Introduction: Treatment of skeletal malocclusions with dentofacial orthopaedics greatly depends on identification of patients’ residual growth as well as skeletal maturation. One of the most widely used methods of growth assessment is the cervical skeletal maturation indicator. Though helpful in growing patients, its reliability in adult population is questionable, mainly due to lack of sufficient literature. Hence, the aim of this study was to assess and compare the cervical maturation stages in postpubertal nongrowing individuals showing different skeletal jaw bases.
Material and Method: Lateral cephalograms of 150 adult patients (age: 20-45 years) were selected and divided into 2 groups, A with Class II and B with Class III skeletal bases. Cervical vertebrae C2, C3, C4 were analysed visually using Hassel and Farman method and using metric analysis by Baccetti, studying their morphology, concavities, base to anterior height ratio (BAR) and posterior to anterior height ratio (PAR). Data were tabulated and statistically analyzed.
Result: The occurrence of stage 6 was least as compared to stages 4 and 5. CVMI stage 4 and BAR for C4 was greater in Group B. Group A showed increased concavities of C2, C3, C4 compared to Group B.
Conclusion: CVMI stage 6 was present least in adults. Skeletal Class II individuals showed higher stages of maturation than Class III individuals.
Keywords: Class II, Class III, Cervical vertebral maturation, skeletal growth.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Neha Deshmukh