Title: To Assess the Knowledge of Breast Self Examination and Awareness about Breast Cancer among the Female Students of Baba Farid Institute of Technology, Dehradun
Authors: Bisma Amin, Nakul Kumar, Shivam Kumar Mishra, Moin Ahmed Chaudhary, Sujal Thakur, Jagmeet Kour, Pratibha Kumari, Ramakanti Rajput
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v10i2.08
Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in females. It is also a leading cause of cancer deaths among females. In rare instances, breast cancer can also affect males. This research will focus on breast cancer awareness in females and knowledge about BSE (BREAST SELF EXAMINATION)
Aim: To assess the knowledge of breast self examination and awareness about breast cancer among female students of BABA FARID INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY
Method: An online survey was conducted among 600 female students of BABA FARID INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DEHRADUN via email and personalized links. The survey consists of self structured questionnaire. Data was collected from participants
The study was conducted online among 400 female students of BABA FARID INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. A self structured questionnaire was prepared and validated. Data was collected from the participants by using convenience sampling technique and subjected to statistical analysis.
Result: Medical students have the highest knowledge about breast cancer and BSE (BREAST SELF EXAMINATION). 18-21 age groups were found to have great knowledge about breast cancer. 20 participants don’t think screening is helpful in early detection of breast cancer. Media was found the common source of information about breast cancer. 46 (36.25) students were taught by their friends to perform BSE. 88 (69.3%) participants don’t practice BSE.
Conclusion: More awareness strategies need to be applied in order to raise the knowledge about BSE, mammography knowledge, and other preventive practice among young female population in this region. Along with this, there should be general health education programs directed towards achieving the needs to be launched immediately
Keywords: Breast cancer; Breast self examination; college students; female, knowledge; awareness.