Title: Post Burn Contracture Neck - Alternative Way of Airway Management
Authors: Dr Dinesh Sharma, Dr Neeraj Sharma
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i8.59
This case report encourages anaesthetists, to use alternative modes of securing endotracheal airway in patients of post burn contracture neck patients. Eighteen years old female patient of post burn contractures of neck was scheduled for contracture release and skin grafting. Airway assessment revealed severe restriction of mouth opening with limited restriction of neck movements.After preoxygenation, patient was induced with i/v propofol and oral intubation was attempted with intubating LMA. Successful ventilation achieved but endotracheal tube couldn’t be inserted. Endotracheal intubation done with 7 mm CoETT with stylet using Video laryngoscope. Though fibreoptic bronchoscope guided intubation is gold standard and is the preferred technique and followed by most of anaesthetists, alternative methods of endotracheal intubation in case of difficult airways should also be considered helpful.