Title: Evaluation of Cervical Lymphadenopathies with the Help of Aspiration Cytology: A One Year Study
Authors: Dr Varsha Argal, Prof. Dr Ashok Panchonia, Dr Manish Panth, Dr Smita Doharey, Prof. Dr Meena Mittal
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i8.44
Introduction: Fine needle aspiration cytology is the easy and affordable method for diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathies. In developing countries such as India, it plays a significant role as it is an inexpensive, easy to perform procedure, and has almost no complication.
Aims & Objective: To diagnose various cervical lymph nodes with the help of fine needle aspiration cytology.
Material & Method: A one year study was conducted in the cytopathology section of Department of Pathology. Lymph nodes were examined clinically and then aspirated and after routine cytological staining cases are evaluated.
Result: Out of 235 cases 183 were tubercular, 32 reactive hyperplasia of lymph node/ inflammatory and 16 were metastatic and 1 0f lymphoma and 03 were hemorrhagic.
Conclusion: FNAC is a useful and reliable diagnostic tool that also appears to be a safe and minimally invasive procedure that provides preoperative information for the appropriate management.
Keywords: FNAC, Lymphadenopathy, TB.