Title: Pagets disease Presenting as cardiac failure
Authors: Dr Vishal Venugopal, Dr V.R. Mohan Rao, Dr Vinu Boopathy
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i8.42
Paget’s disease was first described by jamespaget in 1877, It is an archetype of a focal bone disorder with accelerated bone turnover. There is an excessive osteoclastic bone resorption which is followed by compensatory increase in osteoblastic activity, resulting in new bone formation, which is structurally disorganised and more prone for deformities and fractures. Estimated prevalence of Pagets disease in India is around 0.066%.We report a case of 72 year old female presenting with low back ache and hard of hearing, on evaluation she was found to have clinical features of pagets disease complicated by sensorineural deafness and bony deformities.