Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate a differences in the resistance to Erythropoietin Stimulating Agents (ESAs) in dialysis patients, depending on Whether or not they received such treatment before starting hemodialysis.
Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study from January 2009 to January 2020, 775 patients with end-stage kidney disease, on hemodialysis treatment (HDT). For a 12 years, the following categories were monitored by sex: age, hemoglobin levels, ESA dosage, Erythropoietin resistance index (ERI) in patients on periodic dialysis treatment in the Department of Dialysis Treatment /DDT/, UMHAT Sveta Anna Sofia. The following methods were used: Questionnaire; Hemoglobin test; ERI calculation by formula; Statistical methods–methods of prospective follow-up, Data analysis–t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances, Descriptive and deductive statistics, Parametric analysis.
Results: 1.A very large number of patients have initiated hemodialysis treatment in emergency, without knowing about their disease and were not monitored by a nephrologist and were not treated with ESAs before dialysis. 2.There is a statistically significant difference in the mean hemoglobin level in women who were ESA treatment-naïve before HD compared to men who were ESA treatment-naïve before HD (p=0.047006), 3.There is a difference in terms of resistance- Erythropoietin Resistance Index(ERI) in were ESA treatment-naïve before HD compared to men who were ESA treatment-naïve before HD (p=0.013).
Conclusion: It is necessary to expand the scope, follow-up and treatment in patients with nephrological diseases without waiting for the progression of the disease. When administering ESA, always take into account the sex of the patients and consider the specific characteristics of female patients.
Keywords: Hemoglobin, CKD, hemodialysis, anemia, Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), Erythropoietin resistance index (ERI).
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Corresponding Author
Krasimira Atanasova Ashikova
Department of Dialysis Treatment, Sveta Anna Hospital AD Sofia Bulgaria
Address: Sofia 1 Dimitar Mollov str.