Title: Types of Liver Abscesses - A Prospective Observational Study in Sub-Himalayan Region
Authors: Purnima Patial, Karan S. Thakur
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i8.21
Liver is a significant and fundamental organ of the body. This organ is exposed to various infections; viral, bacterial and parasitic and lies at the distal end of portal flow; it is therefore washed with entrance blood containing infections, microorganisms, parasites, ova, results of absorption and other antigens.48% of all visceral abscesses is liver abscess. The two most normal reasons for liver abscesses is the amoebic and pyogenic liver abscess. In our case report of 73 patients likewise, the two most basic causes also came out to be ALA and PLA. Liver abscess is still a diagnostic challenge in today's era. This is reflected in noteworthy death rates and is an aftereffect of the absence of particularity of clinical signs and research center outcomes. Amoebic and pyogenic abscess share numerous clinical, lab and imaging features, but they differ in their epidemiology and diseases transmission also. Thus differentiation is required for effective management and treatment.
Keywords: ALA – Amoebic liver abscess, PLA – Pyogenic liver abscess, E. histolytica – Entamoebahistolytica, TB – Tuberculosis.