Title: Morphometric Study of Proximal End of Humerus in North Indian Population
Authors: Shirin Jahan, Rahul Srivastava
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i8.19
Background: Many orthopaedic treatments need a proper measurement of bone and morphometric analysis of bone also very useful in forensic anthropology and many more fields. Morphometric studied data also help in reconstruction of bone and a proper surgical planning.
Objectives: To determine the dimension of proximal end of humerus
Material and Methods: Thirty humerus were taken without know sex. HL (Humerus length): The distance between the highest point of the humeral head and the lowest point of the trochlea. TDHH (Transverse diameter of humeral head): The diameter of the humerus head in the antero-posterior direction. VDHH (Vertical diameter of humeral head): The diameter of the bone in the lateral-medial direction. HH GT (Highest Point of Humeral Head and Greater Tubercle): The distance between the highest point of the humeral head and the highest point of the greater tubercle.
Results: The mean length of humerus on left side is 290.2 and 291.02 on right side. The mean of the transverse diameter of humeral head is 39.53 mm and left side is 36.99 m. The mean vertical diameter of humeral head with respect to lateral-medial direction on right side is 41.63mm and on the left side is 38.89mm. The mean of highest point of humeral head and greater tubercle on right side is 7.24mm and on the left side is 6.25mm
Keywords: Head of humerus, Humerus, Humerus proximal end.