Title: Chorea Associated with Non Ketotic Hyperglycemia (Diabetic Striatopathy) in Elderly Female - A Case Report
Authors: Dr Balakumar.J, Prof. Dr S.Balasubramaniyan.M.D., Dr N.Paari M.D.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i10.136
The term “diabetic striatopathy” is characterized by the presence of a high signal on MRI confined to the striatum with contralateral movement disorder. It is commonly associated with type 2 Diabetes mellitus and rarely seen in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Many cases at the time of admission had many clinical features similar to non-ketotic hyperglycemia1. Rarely, patients have bilateral lesions with bilateral chorea. Even though the precise mechanism is unidentified, the primary chronic focal cerebrovascular disease in Diabetes Mellitus may be the cause for acute dysfunction of blood brain barrier2.