Introduction: Minimal invasive surgery has largely replaced conventional open procedures to large extent, one such case is Cholecystectomy and has become gold standard procedure of choice for Cholecystectomy and this study aims to study the rate and causes of conversion of laparoscopic Cholecystectomy into open Cholecystectomy.
Materials and Methods: A prospective non randomized observational study was done on 50 consenting patients undergoing laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Department of General Surgery in Rajah Muthaiah Medical College, Chidambaram from June 2016 to June 2019. Patients are selected on the basis of purposive sampling method after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: Out of 50 patients included in the study. Most common age group requiring laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is 30 to 50 years and females were found to be 80% of the targeted sample. Higher BMI and emergency laparoscopic intervention resulted in higher conservion rate of 50% and 100% respectively.
Chronic disease like diabetes in both open and Laparoscopic group was found to be 50% and hypertensive was found to be 50% and 4.2%.
In setting of acute cholecystitis and CBD calculus conversion rate was found to be 6% and 100% respectively. Incidence of complications was 50% in the converted group compared to 4.2% in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Conclusion: In our study we conclude that, in acute disease conversion rate is high, presence of adhesions and inflammation intraoperatively is a key factor. The rate of conversion and bile stone spillage is proportional to the severity of disease.
Keywords: Open Cholecystectomy, Gallstones, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, CBD stones, Acute cholecystitis.
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Corresponding Author
Gopikrishna D
Department of General Surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Chidambaram