Objectives: This study was used Doppler ultrasonograpy to evaluate the abonrmalities in fetuses of women with clinical suspicion of IUGR.
Methods: A detail history, clinical examination and relevant investigations were performed to all cases. Parameters was used included Doppler indices like Pulsatility Index (PI) values of the Umbilical Artery (UA), the Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) and the descending Thoracic Aorta (TA) of the foetus and the ratio of the PI values of MCA to UA (cerebroplacental ratio).
Results: Data was analyzed by using simple statistical methods with the help of MS-Office software.
Conclusions: Women with less than 30 years age group was more common to develop IUGR. Majorities of women were undergone caesarean section. Changed EDF was very common in both umbilical artery and thoracic artery of foetuses. AEDF was commonly seen in umbilical artery. Majorities of babies who had MCA and UA abnormality were admitted in NICU. Majorities of cases of caesarean section had foetal distress. Perinatal death was commonly seen in foetal with MCA involvement. Hence, we were found that Doppler ultrasonography is one of the best investigative modalities to diagnose intrauterine growth retardation.
Keywords: Doppler ultrasonography, IUGR, EDF, AEDF.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Rishikant Sinha
Senior Resident, Department of Radiology, AIIMS, Patna, Bihar, India