Title: Study of Both bone fracture of forearm with LCDCP
Author: Dr K. Hema
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i10.30
Forearm bone fractures are commonly encountered in today’s industrial era. Various treatment modalities were introduced from time to time and each of them had some edge over the previous one. Continuing this process of revolution and based on many years of experience with compression plating and promising results obtained with so called internal fixation, an implant system has been developed which combines the two treatment modalities. Despite the combination of these different treatment techniques no compromises were made with regard to application as a compression plate or as a bridging device in the form of an internal fixation. LCDCP (Limited contact dynamic compression plate) is a product of these combinations and is in line with the latest plating techniques, the aim of which is to achieve the smallest surgical incision and to preserve blood supply to the bone and adjacent soft tissues and stability at the fracture site.
LCDCP has got features of both DCP and a PC-Fix as it uses screw heads that are conically threaded on the undersurface and create an angular stable plate screw device. This type of plate fixation relies on the threaded plate-screw interface to lock the bone fragments in position and do not require friction between the plate and bone as in conventional plating[1]. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the use of LCDCPs in fractures of forearm bone.
The functional outcome was certified using "Anderson et al, scoring system". The variables taken into consideration were – Union of the fracture, Range of elbow and wrist movements [2].
Open reduction and internal fixation helps in perfect fracture reduction, rigid fixation, better bone healing and early mobilization, the normal functions of the hand can be achieved at the earliest.