Title: The Evaluation of Hearing Level between Workers of Cement Industry and Non- Industrial Workers
Authors: Dr Fatima Sadia, Prof. Dr Momtaz Begum, Dr Shahin Akter, Dr Mohammed Salahuddin Shahed Chowdhury
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i10.22
Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate the hearing level between workers of cement industry and non- industrial workers.
Methodology: This Cross-sectional observational study was conducted at Department of Physiology, CHITTAGONG MEDICAL COLLEGE, Chittagong and Heidelbargh Cement Bangladesh Ltd. East Halishar, Chittagong, from January 2017 to December 2018. Where total number of 800 (Eight hundred) subjects were included. During the study, All subjects were selected purposively on the basis of noise exposure study procedure. After selection and proper counseling, the aim, objective and procedure of the study was explained in details to all subjects, in the cement industry.
Result: during the study frequency of hearing loss were 304 (50.7%) & 8 (4%) in study group and control respectively.50.7% patients in group-A had hearing loss. 4% in group-B had this problem. mean duration of employment among the cases according to hearing loss in 8.67 and for normal cases 6.30.
Conclusion: We can conclude that, the hearing loss caused by exposure to occupational noise has multiple consequences at both the individual and the social level. While various factors contribute to the occurrence of occupational noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) like age, sound level and duration of noise exposure, duration of employment and lack of preventive measures. Lack of knowledge about hearing loss and proper use of protective measures influence hearing loss in cement industries. Further study should be conducted to better outcome.
Keywords: Hearing level, Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL).