Background: All degenerative changes in Bowman’s capsules of kidneys were influenced by duration, temperature, humidity. There are few studies on the estimation of time since death by histological examination of Bowman’s capsules in human kidneys. This new study keen useful for every scientist that deals investigation on dead. The time of death estimation by histology of Bowman’s capsules, plays important role in solving both criminal and civil cases.
Aim: Estimation of time since death by histological examination of Bowman’s capsule.
Materials and Methods: This current research was carried out in Pt.J.N.M. Medical College and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Hospital Raipur (C.G.), 40 cases sample from the kidneys of deceased, the Bowman’s capsules were investigated to establish their correlation ship with hours PMI., temperatures, humidity or time since death by studied histological (H& E, PAS staining). This research was done in between the temperature 17.3/22.3-31.3/450C,humidity 11/36 to 75/95 and duration range 4hrs to 52.30hr.
Result: In this research, the temperature 17.3/22.3-31.3/450C,humidity 11/36 to 75/95 and duration range 4hrs to 52.30hr.Bowman’s capsule show progressive histological degenerative changes, at 52.30 hr, we found glomeruli- architecture disturbed disruption of epithelium with pyknotic nuclei, debris in the lumen. Substances were not seen. PAS staining -PAS +.
Conclusion: In this research, a significant linear correlation ship, at various degrees of degenerative changes, was seen to exist between PMI .duration, temperature and humidity observed in Bowman’s capsules, this kind of histological finding, help to reduce the error in estimating time since death.
Keywords: Bowman’s capsule, criminal and civil, PMI, PAS staining, splitting.
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Corresponding Author
Rajni Thakur
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Pt.J.N.M.Medical College, Raipur, (C.G.)