Introduction: People try to explain their diseases through their own existing schema. That leads to different perceptions of the diseased state among them. That, in turn, leads to different coping strategies & different psychological consequences.
Materials & Methods: An open domain instrument, B-IPQ (Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire) was translated in the Bengali language. 198 diagnosed carcinoma patients were recruited from radiotherapy OPD for the study. Measured illness perception isanalyzed for dependence on different demographic& disease parameters.
Results: Translated instrument had a good internal consistency (α =0.82). TNM stage of the disease (p = 0.004) or education of the patient (p = 0.008), marital status (p= 0.015) and psycho-education status (p = 0.001) predict the illness perception.
Discussion & Conclusion: Less educated & widowed or divorced persons perceive the disease more threatening. Retired persons seem to have more severe perceptions about the disease. Proper Knowledge of the disease has a role in allaying fear about the disease. Psycho-education along with supportive therapy can be very effective in this patient group. Further interventional study of the effectiveness of such modules can be undertaken in future.
Keywords: Illness perception, carcinoma, determinants, psycho-education.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Anirban Ray
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Post Graduate Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India