Title: Coincidence of Hürtle cell carcinoma and non invasive follicular neopasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) of the thyroid: A Case Report
Authors: Kreze A, Koskubová D, Tresnerová K, Koutníková H, Podlešák T, Špůrková Z
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.168
Collision tumours are defined as geographically coexistent but histologically distinct and morphologically independent neoplasms (Brandwein-Gensler et al.). We report a combination of Hürtle cell carcinoma and NIFTP. Thus, we add this combination to the group of collision tumours in the thyroid.
Case history
69-year-old female presented with a growing mass on right side of neck.
Ultrasound thyroid gland was: right lobe 7.2 ml, left lobe 2.3 ml, hypoechogenic nodus 18x19x23 mm with microcalcifications and higher vascular flow in right lobe. Laboratory status: euthyrosis (TSH 1.31 mU/l. FT4 15.9 pmol/l). Fine needle aspiration cytology of nodus showed the result: Bethesda III (oncocytic lesion of uncertain malignant potential). We recommend right-sided lobectomy with perioperative histology. Right-sided lebectomy was done.