Title: A Rare Case of Nasal Mass Presenting as Malignant Round Cell Tumour
Authors: Dr Vinay Gangwani, Dr V.P. Narve, Dr Varsha Tripathi, Dr Deepak Parmar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.159
Malignant round cell tumour includes a group of neoplasm characterized by cells that are small, round and relatively undifferentiated. MSRCT of PNS is relatively uncommon and presents with nasal discharge, polyp, mouth breathing, snoring, headache.
Detailed clinical history as well as radiological imaging specially CT is essential, the diagnosis is made by biopsy and IHC studies.
Treatment modalities include chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both are initiated as soon as the diagnosis is made, keeping in view the poor progression and aggressive nature of MSRCT.