Background: Thyroid hormones have significant effects on the synthesis, mobilization and metabolism of lipids. Hence the present study was planned to determine lipid abnormalities in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and its interpretation.
Material & Methods: A total of 50 that is, 25 cases of subclinical hypothyroidism and 25 euthyroid controls were selected for the study. Demographic data such as age and sex were recorded. Lipid profile was assessed, which based on NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) guidelines and thyroid profile was assessed.
Results: In our study the mean age of cases was 36.54 years and in controls was 24.45 years (p<0.001). BMI was statistical not significant in between groups. It was also observed that among the cases the mean TSH level was significantly high. However no significant difference was noted among cases and controls when fT3 and fT4 were compared. The significant rise was noted in cases with regard to serum cholesterol and triglycerides but no difference between cases and controls when mean HDL and LDL were compared.
Conclusion: We concluded that subjects with laboratory report of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia should be also further examined and tested for serum thyroid hormones measurements.
Keywords: Thyroid hormones, Subclinical hypothyroidism, Lipid profile, TSH level.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Anil Kumar Gupta
Assistant Professor, Dept. of General Medicine, MSY Medical College & Hospital, Lalpur, Meerut (U.P), India