Tuberculosis of cervix is a rare form of genital Tuberculosis. As it has no specific symptoms and signs, so a high index of suspicion of TB in females with abnormal vaginal discharge is required while screening cervical smears, especially from TB endemic areas. Non pulmonary Tuberculosis are common in this parts of the state (i.e in South Odisha, Berhampur) in different parts of the body ranging from scrotum to TB osteomyelitis. We present a case of a 40 year female presenting with a foul smelling discharge per vagina who was suspected of carcinoma cervix clinically and later diagnosed through pap smear and on histopathology to be a case of cervical TB.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Shushruta Mohanty
Senior Resident, Dept of Pathology, M.K.C.G. Medical College, Berhampur, India