Title: Emergency Obstetric Indices at the Federal Medical Centre Makurdi
Authors: Dr Ochejele Silas BM BCH, FWACS, Dr Omeche Adama BM BCH, Dr Attah Dangana Iliya, Dr Patience Odusolu, Dr Patrick Haruna Daru BM BCH, FWACS
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.90
Context: The Federal Medical Centre Makurdi is the only tertiary health institution in Benue State. Maternal deaths are a frequent occurrence in the centre thereby necessitating this study.
Objective: To determine the maternal mortality ratio, the case fatality rate and the contribution of direct obstetric complications to these deaths.
Subjects and Methods: A four – month descriptive study of obstetric service data from 1st January to 30th April 2004.
Results: During the study period, there were a total of 363 deliveries (52% unbooked,48% booked,20% DOC.) and 16 maternal deaths(94% were direct) giving a maternal mortality ratio of 4,408 / 100,000 deliveries.14 (87.5%)of the deaths were unbooked obstetric emergencies. The overall case fatality rate (CFR) was 21%. The contribution of each direct obstetric complication to the direct maternal deaths was as follows: obstructed labour/ Ruptured uterus (53.3 %), postpartum haemorrhage (13.35%), puerperal sepsis (13.35 %), Eclampsia (6. 68 %), induced Abortion (6.68 %). The cause- specific CFR was in this order. Ruptured uterus 100%, Puerperal sepsis 100%, Abortion 25%, Severe Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia 20%, Obstetric haemorrhage 12.5%, Obstructed labour 11.4%. The caesarean section rate was 15 %. Facilities to provide life saving functions were lacking and staff commitment was low.
Conclusion: Quality improvement and institutional capacity building for effective emergency obstetric care is urgently recommended to prevent these deaths.
Keywords: Emergency obstetric indices, Federal Medical Centre Makurdi, Nigeria.