Title: Hydrocele: Side Incidence and Age Group Affected
Author: Dr Gurmeet Singh Sarla
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.51
Background: Hydrocele is collection of fluid along the path of testicular descent which usually presents as a painless, cystic scrotal mass leading to an increase in the volume of the scrotal contents.
Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the side incidence and age groups affected in hydrocele.
Materials and Methods: A total of 110 patients who were diagnosed clinically and sonologically as having long standing hydrocele of 6 months and more were included in the study and were offered surgery in the form of eversion of sac. Patients with acute onset hydrocele/haematocele and associated with trauma were not included in the study. None of these patients on preoperative ultrasound or on surgical exploration was diagnosed with a more serious underlying pathology.
Results: Out of 110 patients who underwent eversion of sac for hydrocele, 60 (54.54%) patients had Right sided hydrocele and 46 (41.81%) patients had Left sided hydrocele. 4 (3.63%) patients had bilateral hydrocele. The most common age group affected was the age bracket of 31-40 years which comprised of 38 (34.54%) patients, followed by age group between 21-30 years, 41-50 years and 51- 60 years each of the group affecting 20 (18.18%) patients.
Conclusion: Right sided hydrocele is more common as compared to left sided hydrocele. This study showed that 60 (54.54%) patients had Right sided hydrocele as compared to 46 (41.81%) patients who had Left sided hydrocele. The age group of 31-40 years was the most commonly affected age group affected which consisted of 34.54% of patients. This was followed closely by age group of 21-30 years, 41-50 years and 51-60 years which affected 18.18% patients each.
Keywords: Hydrocele, side incidence, age group affected.