Background: Bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) is a serious, commonly occurring psychiatric condition that is characterized by recurrent episodes of depression and mood elevation (mania or hypomania). Caretakers play a vital role in the management of bipolar patients.
Aims: To study the demographic profile of the caretakers of BPAD patients.
Materials & Methods: The present observational, cross-sectional study involved 130 caretakers of patients suffering from BAPD. Various demographic parameters like age, sex, residence, education, occupation, religion, type of family and relation with patient etc were studied.
Results: In the present study, the mean age of caretakers was 61.01(±19.45) years while majority i.e. 44.6% caretakers were above 60 years of age. Female caretakers (60%) outnumbered males. About 75.4 % caretakers were married, 67.7% were from rural areas, 58.5% caretakers were living in joint families and 56.2% of them were completely illiterate. 50% caretakers were unemployed while 58.5% were from lower socioeconomic class.
Conclusion: From present study, it has been concluded that majority of the caretakers of the BPAD patients were above 60 years of age, uneducated, unemployed, females from rural areas living in joint families and were of low socioeconomic status. Thus various psychoeducational programmes should be started to assist these caretakers.
Keywords: Caretakers, Demography , BPAD.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Angli Manhas MBBS, MS
R\O : 381-A Indira Colony, Timber Road, Janipur, Jammu, J&K, India