Title: Clinical Study of Carcinoma Breast
Authors: Dr Anjaneya T, Dr Bakakrishna M Naik
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.23
Background and Objective: Breast cancer is the commonest cancer in the world. It ranks second only to carcinoma cervix in developing countries. Despite major advances in the past years in understanding the clinical and biological nature of disease. notwithstanding the dramatic change in the treatment ,the problem continues to persist.
The objective of the study was to note the clinical presentation and various histological types as well as treatment modality in carcinoma breast.
Materials and Methods: This prospective clinic-pathological study, has been carried out in patients presenting with breast cancer at Sree Siddhartha medical College Hospital Between November 2007 to April 2009. A study of 30 cases was done, involving the detailed history including the age of the patients, type and duration of symptoms, family history of any breast lesions, age or menarche and menopause were taken. A thorough physical examination including the site, size, skin changes, nipple areolar changes, mobility and lymphonodal status etc were done. All female patients with breast cancer are included in the study. The investigation and interventions done on the patients with their consent. Routine blood examinations, with Chest X-ray and FNAC, and wedge biopsy were the investigations that were carried out on the patients.
Results: The carcinoma breast was commonly seen in age group 46-50 years. Lump in the breast was leading symptom reported by 80%.20% of patients presented with lump with ulceration in the breast.36% presented with lump, skin ulceration and pain .The commonest site was the upper outer quadrant that account for 40%.In 50% of the cases presented with lump with the size between 6-8 cms. only 2 patients the size of lump was greater than 11 cms.
Keywords: Breast carcinoma, Invasive ductal carcinoma, Modified Radical Mastectomy, Breast Conservation Therapy, Chemotherapy.