Pre-menstrual syndrome is a combination of physical and mood disturbance that occur in the last half of a woman’ s menstrual after ovulation which normally end with the onset of the menstrual. Menstruation is still regarded as something unclean or dirty in India and the reaction to menstruation depends upon awareness and knowledge about the subject. Most girls are ignorant about the physiology of menstruation and therefore the first experience of menstruation is of fear, shame and disgust. The present study assessed the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding pre-menstrual syndrome among the adolescent girls at selected school in rural area. The design was adopted by the investigator in this study was pretest and post test quasi experimental design. A total of 30 adolescent girls were selected from the school by using convenient sampling technique. The purpose of the study was explained to the students and consent was taken from all the participants. A structured pretest questionnaire related to pre-menstrual syndrome were asked to them for scoring knowledge. The study found that adolescent girls had inadequate knowledge regarding pre-menstrual syndrome in pretest. After the STP on pre-menstrual syndrome there was a significant improvement in knowledge of the adolescent girls regarding pre-menstrual syndrome. The study concluded that the STP was effective in improving the knowledge of the adolescent girls regarding pre-menstrual syndrome. The formulated hypothesis was supported.
Keywords: Premenstrual syndrome, PMS, menstruation, menstrual cycle, menstrual hygiene.
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Corresponding Author
Mrs. Niza. Subramanian
Associate Professor, Samarth Nursing College, Dervan,
Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra