Background: Tobacco chewing leads to dysfunction of autonomic nervous system has rarely been studied.
Objective: Evaluation of heart rate variability (HRV) in tobacco chewers for assessing autonomic functions.
Material and Methods: 30 male tobacco chewer subjects (age group 25-30 years) along with 30 aged and BMI matched male healthy controls were evaluated for Time domain parameters SDNN (ms); RMSSD (ms); pNN50 (%) and Frequency domain HRV parameters: LF (ms2); HF (ms2); LF n.u. (%); HF n.u. (%) and LF/HF ratio. Level of significance derived using unpaired students “t”-test.
Results: The mean HF n.u. (%) was found to be lower whereas mean LF (ms2), LF n.u. (%) and LF/HF ratio were found higher in tobacco chewers as compared to control group. (p value˂0.001)
Conclusion: Decreased Heart rate variability indicates deranged cardiovascular autonomic functions in tobacco chewer subjects.
Key words: HRV, smokeless tobacco.
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Corresponding Author
Jyotsna Shukla
Senior Professor, Department of Physiology, SMS medical College, Jaipur, India
Email: jyotsnashukla101@gmail.com