Background: Twin pregnancy is considered as a high risk pregnancy with many complications to the mother and the foetus. This study aims to assess the maternal outcome in twins
Materials and Methods: A prospective study was conducted in a tertiary centre in south India over a period of one year. A total of 200 cases of twin pregnancies was followed up from the antenatal period upto their admission to ward and labour room.
Results: Incidence of twin pregnancy was 1.6%.76% were in the age group of 20 to 29 years and primigravidae contributed 49.5%of the total. Maternal complications noted were anemia in 43(21.5%) gestational hypertension in 50(25%)preterm labour in 36(18%)PROM in 63(31.5%) hyperemesis in 25(12.5%) antepartum haemorrage in 12(6%) Gestational diabetes mellitus in 16(8%). Among postpartum complications postpartum hemorrhage contributed 34 (17%). No maternal mortality occurred in the study population. Vaginal delivery was possible in 63.5% and the rest underwent LSCS. The commonest indication for caesarian section was non vertex first baby (36.5%).
Conclusion: This study brings to light the complications associated with twin pregnancy. Regular and frequent antenatal checks are required for the prompt diagnosis of maternal complications and to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity. Proper counseling regarding the mode of delivery is required. The need to deliver them in hospitals with facilities for maternal and neonatal intensive care is essential.
Keywords: Maternal Outcome, Twin Pregnancy, maternal complication
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Corresponding Author
Dr Roshni R
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Govt. Medical College Hospital, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Email: drroshnir@gmail.com