Title: Squamous Cell Carcinoma of cervix
Authors: Deepanshu Singla, Surabhi Gupta
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i2.20
Pre-invasive as well as early invasive cervical cancer usually is asymptomatic and is detected during screening procedures. However, advanced-stage cervical cancer almost always presents with abnormal vaginal bleeding or foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Here we report a case of cervical cancer with unusual presentation of mass coming out of the introitus.
Case Report
A 70 year old woman presented to the gynaecology department with complaint of a mass coming out of the introitus since 3 months. There was associated backache and dribbing of urine since last one month .Patient is postmenopausal since 20 years. She is P4L4 with all full term vaginal birth. Patient has no past history of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, PID. Patient was thin built and cachectic. She had mild pallor. There was no lymphadenopathy, no oedema. Her car- diorespiratory examination findings were within normal limit. In perabdominal examination, there was no palpable lump. There was no organomegaly.
Local examination revealed a mass coming out of the introitus measuring 6*4 cm with a pedicle attached to it.The mass had foul odour and was fragile.