Title: Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Septic Abortion and Its associated factors in and around Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Authors: Dr Amrita Pritam, Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Dr Pallawi Singh
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i2.02
Objective: Abortion is sought by women for a variety of reasons including birth control. Any pregnancy which is unwanted predisposes a woman to an additional risk; if she seeks abortion and safe service are not available to them. Lack of awareness regarding contraception and MTP Act and non-availability of trained health personnel are important causes of septic abortion in India. Present study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding septic abortion and its associated factors.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 patients presented with septic abortion were selected through simple randomization were included in the study. Information of these cases regarding their knowledge, attitude and practices of septic abortion and other related factors was obtained by conducting interview. Result were studied and analyzed statistically.
Result: Among 100 cases studied, majority (46%) were having no knowledge about contraceptive device. Rural women had lesser knowledge regarding of contraception than female who were resides in town. Majority of the cases got the knowledge of contraception through media and health care providers like radio (22.22%), PHC (22.22%), television (18.52%), ASHA/ANM (18.52%). Urban Population of women had a greater knowledge of MPT Act than rural population, in majority of the cases (52%), abortion was done by dais. Among 100 cases studied, in 60 cases (60%), instrumentation was used for procuring the septic abortion.
Conclusion: Present study shows that less knowledge regarding contraception and MTP Act in rural women and conduction of abortion by untrained personnel like dais, quacks, and local practitioners are important cause for high incidence of septic abortion in India. So, there is the need to strengthen the health system for better quality abortion services and provision of comprehensive and safe abortion service centers.
Keywords: Attitude, Contraception, Knowledge, Practice, Septic abortion.