Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the commonest sustained cardiac arrhythmia characterized by presence of multiple, interacting reentry circuits looping around the atria. The aim of the study is to detect the various etiology of AF and to know various clinical presentations in AF and also to find out the relationship between AF and left atrial size based on echocardiography. A prospective observational cohort study was carried out with a total of 100 subjects presented to medical and ICUs of RIMS-kadapa between august 2017- august 2018. Dyspnoea (88%) was the commonest symptom. In this study L.A. Size ranges from 3 cm to 7.8 cm. Most of the cases the L.A. commonly associated with MR. Our study concludes that in this area of region females are more prone to AF. The group suffering with AF is from 21-50 yrs.RHD is the common cause of AF in young age where as HTN&IHD is common in old age. Common complication observed is CCF.AF is commonly seen in patients with left atrial size > 4 cm (74%) on echocardiogram.
Keywords: Atrial fibrillation, Rheumatic heart disease, Mitral regurgitation, Ischemic heart disease, echocardiography.
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Corresponding Author
J Radhika
Pharm.D Intern, P. Rami Reddy Memorial College of Pharmacy, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Phone No: 8978029697, Email: rradhika521@gmail.com