Dental treatment for face corrections, teeth aligment, smile design, is advised as a part of cosmetic treatment. Dental casts of 100 Gujrati (50 males & 50 females), population with Angle’s class I malocclusion were selected. The selection was done from the records of random stratified sample of children age 15 yrs to 20 yrs. The mesiodistal width of the maxillary permanent incisors and other parameters like interpremolar, intercanine, intermolar distances. They were measured directly by a digital caliper on dental casts.
To determine significant differences in teeth width and arch width values for males and females an independent “t” test was carried out.
The correlation coefficients determined between the measured arch width values and those calculated according to Pont’s index. This value is low all over with ‘r’ value ranging from 0.21 to 0.32. It was concluded that Pont’s index should be used to predetermine ideal arch width to consider Gujrati individuals for treatment modalities.
Keywords: Arch width mesiodistal teeth width, correlation, coefficients, inter premolar, intermolar distances.
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