The generic term paraganglioma is applied to tumours arising from paraganglia regardless of the location. The only exception is the tumours of the adrenal medulla which is known as pheochromocytoma. [1]The tumours can be found practically every site in which paraganglia are located. The most commonly seen locations include: the carotid body, jugular foramen, middle ear, aorticopulmonary region, posterior mediastinum and abdominal para aortic region.
Extra-adrenal paragangliomas are neoplasms arising from cells of neural crest origin anywhere along the distribution of the sympathoadrenal neuroendocrine system. Nearly 85% are intra-abdominal, 12% are intrathoracic, and 3% are cervical.[2]
This report describes a 66-year-old male presenting with difficulty into micturition with increased frequency and decreased flow. MRI showed a well-defined paravesicular soft tissue mass measuring 33x35mm in the lateral aspect of the left seminal vesicle. The complete biochemical work-up and haematological investigations were within normal limits. The patient underwent surgical exploration with complete excision of the right seminal vesicle. Gross examination revealed a well-defined yellow brown tumour with a rim of seminal vesicle. Microscopy revealed characteristic Zellballen pattern of arrangement of the tumour, with neoplastic cells having abundant granular cytoplasm. The cells uniformly expressed synaptophysin and chromogranin. S100 positivity was noted in the sustentacular cells and tumour cells. Ki67 index was less than 2%.
The patient is on follow-up and is healthy till date.
Keywords: seminal vesicle, paraganglioma, paravesicle.
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Corresponding Author
Mahesha Vankalakunti
Consultant, Dept of Histopathology, No.98, Manipal Hospitals,
Old Airport Road, Bengaluru 560017, India
Email: vkmahesh123@gmail.com