Title: Observation of Serum Electrolytes and Nutritional Status in Patients with Gastric Outlet Obstruction Both Pre and Post Operative Status
Authors: Dr Sanjay Kujur, Dr Jitendra Kumar Sahu, Dr Achuytananda Beher
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.197
Gastric outlet obstruction which was previously known as pyloric stenosis is not a single entity ,it is the clinical and path physiological consequence of any disease process that produces a mechanical impediment to gastric emptying. Gastric outlet obstruction implies complete or incomplete obstruction of distal stomach, pylorus or proximal duodenum. This may occur as an obstructing mass lesion, external compression or as result of obstruction from acute edema, chronic scarring or fibrosis or combination of both.
Due to continuous loss of gastric juice during vomiting a gross degree of electrolyte imbalance is expected. These patients with gastric outlet obstruction are also malnourished because nutrients are deprived of their exposure to main digestive and absorptive areas as very less amount of nutrients pass beyond pylorus. These patients frequently avoid taking food as there is unpleasant fullness of stomach after taking food.