This is the first ever study in northern India to assess the need of palliative care in a tertiary care setting comprising of 102 children during one year period interval in department of paediatrics at IGMC Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Modified Paediatric Palliative Screening Scale (Modified PaPaS Scale) a performa based oral questionnaire was used to assess the need of palliative care in the study groups. It was found that patients with severe cerebral palsy, HIV, DMD and MPS required aggressive palliative care and needs to be initiated as early as possible. To summarise, our study supports creation of a hospice based palliative care facility to all patients with chronic and life limiting disease.
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- Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1049909110361471 http://ajhpm.sagepub.com
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Corresponding Author
Dr. Gaurav Sharma
IGMC Shimla 171001, India
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